Video Switchers

Abekas 8100/8150 ( 39KB, 10 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Abekas A8100 and A8150 switchers.

Ampex AVC Switcher ( 21KB, 2 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Ampex AVC switcher.

Ampex Vista Switcher ( 20KB, 5 pages)
This document describes PEGS control of the Ampex Vista switcher via Super Edit.

FOR-A Mighty Mix Video Switcher ( 56KB, 4 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the FOR-A Mighty Mix video switcher.
The following are discussed in the order given: Connection, Cross-point Selection, Aux Bus Previewing, Wipe Codes, Learn Memory, Memory Transfers, and PEGS Commands.

FOR-A VPS 400D Video Switcher ( 46KB, 2 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the FOR-A VPS-400D video switcher.
The following are discussed in the order given: Connection, Cross-point Selection, Aux Bus Previewing, Wipe Codes, Learn Memory, Memory Transfers, and PEGS Commands.

GVG Model 200 Aux Bus Previews ( 17KB, 1 page)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Grass Valley 200 Switcher Aux Bus Preview/PreSelector.

GVG Model 1200 Video Switcher ( 26KB, 3 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the GVG Model 1200 Video Switcher. The following are discussed in the order given: Crosspoint selection, Wipe Patterns, AUX Bus previewing, E-MEM transfers, Learn E-MEM and PEGS Commands

GVG Model 2100 Master Control Video Switcher ( 36KB, 4 pages)
This document covers Super Edit features and parameters pertaining to the Grass Valley Group M2100 Master Control Digital Switcher used in a production environment. Super Edit can be configured with the M2100 as the Video Switcher and any other supported Audio Mixer for audio. Super Edit can alternatively be configured for Audio-Follow-Video (AFV) operation using the M2100 as both the Video and Audio Switchers. AUX-Bus preview is supported for both Video-only and AFV configurations.

GVG Model 2200 Aux Bus Previews ( 17KB, 1 page)
When doing Aux Bus previews on the GV2200 switcher, the switcher will now switch between the R-VTR crosspoint and the crosspoint selected in Super Edit


GVG KayakDD ( 89KB, 9 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the KayakDD-1 Digital Production Switcher using KayakDD protocol.


GVG Kalypso Video Switcher ( 87KB, 7 pages)
The Kalypso Native protocol is available for DPE-500 Series editors in Versions 2.2AB and above (VPE Series editors must use the GVG-4000 protocol, and must have Version 8 Super Edit software). The Editor controls the Kalypso through a standard Editware RS -422 machine control cable with a 9-pin D connector attached to the Editor Serial port, J11, on the back of the Kalypso electronics frame. The switcher’s editor port settings are hard coded in the switcher to 38.4K baud, odd parity, which is compatible with all Editware editors.

GVG Profile internal VME video switcher board with Fastrack VS ( 1,368KB, 9 pages)
The VME (video mix/effects) board can be added to a Profile PDR and be utilized by Editware's Super Edit NLE and Fastrack VS hybrid editing systems as video switcher. This document covers the Fastrack VS connections, configurations and use. (02/11/02)

LEITCH Xpress 12x1 Switcher ( 20KB, 2 pages, 05/03/99)
This interface allows the Leitch Xpress 12 x 1 routing switcher to be used as a Preview Switcher and can be used as a preview pre-selector.

Philips DD35 Digital Switcher ( 53KB, 7 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Philips DD35 Digital switcher using Philips DD35 protocol.

Ross SYNERGY Series ( 39KB, 7 pages) (Link to Ross site)
Setup recommendations for the Ross Synergy Series digital production switchers.

Snell & Wilcox Magic DaVE ( 62KB, 7 pages) (Link to Snell & Wilcox site)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Magic DaVE. This Setup Guide discusses only those features that are unique to the Magic DaVE and it’s interaction with the VPE editor. The Magic DaVE is controlled via two separate editor ports. One for the switcher and one for the DVE. Magic DaVE switcher functions are similar to a GVG Model 100 switcher and it will respond to many of the same commands. The following items are discussed: Connection, Settings, Cross-point Selection, Wipes and DVE Moves, Mark Table Transition Duration, Learn E-MEM, E-MEM Transfers, PEGS Commands and DVE Control.

Sony Digital Video Switchers ( 58KB, 5 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Sony Digital switcher families: DVS 2000, DVS 7200/7250, DVS 7350, DVS 8000 and the analog BVS 3000. The following are discussed: Connection, Cross-point Selection, AUX Bus Previewing, Learn Memory, Memory Transfers, and PEGS Commands.

Sony DFS-700 digital video switcher (with digital effects) ( 46KB, 2 pages)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the Sony DFS-700 Digital switcher.