Setting the Time and Date

Exit Super Edit to get to the RT> prompt.

To set the time, type: time hh:mm:ss [enter]
(use 24 hour time hours:minutes:seconds with colons in between)

To set the date, type: date nn-mmm-yy [enter]
(where nn = the day (use preceding 0 for single digits), mmm = the first three letters of the month, and yy = the last two digits of the year with a hyphen in between)

This will temporarily store the time and/or date (until powered off).

To store the time/date permanently (in CMOS memory):
VPE-131 Put Utilities Disk in DF0: and type: run df:setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-141 Put Utilities Disk in DF0: and type: run df:setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-141L At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-151 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-241 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-241L At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-251 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-331 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-341 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]
VPE-351 At the RT> prompt, type: run setclk.sav [enter]

If you have difficulty finding the setclock file on your default drive, load your Utilities Disk (1 of 2) into DF0: (right hand drive) and at the RT> prompt type: run df:setclk.sav [enter]

Return to the main menu by typing: mm [enter] or return to edit by typing: return [enter].

You can check the time and/or date at any time on any day by typing: time [enter] or date [enter] at the RT prompt.

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