Thursday March 27. 2025

Fastrack Tech Notes

FOR-A Hanabi HVS-1000 EOU SD/HD Switcher
(116KB, 8 pages; 07/01/2005)
This document describes the interface between the Fastrack editor and the Hanabi HVS-1000 video switcher.

EVS Server - Setup
(86KB, 3 pages; 08/14/2006)
This document describes the setup procedure for the EVS server with Fastrack. Including: cable connections; assignment dialog and crosspoint selection;
Loading an EVS Server PB Clip Onto a Fastrack Track; Creating an EVS Server Record Event Onto a Fastrack Track; Pre-setting Timecode for a new Record Event on the Fastrack.

SONY DVS-6000 Digital Video Switcher
(56KB, Rev 8 pages; 06/08/2005)
This document describes the interface between the Fastrack editor and the Sony DVS-6000 video switcher.

KayakDD-1 Digital Video Switcher
(99KB, 9 pages;12/22/2004)
This document describes the interface between Super Edit and the KayakDD-1 Digital Production Switcher
using KayakDD protocol.

Fastrack Timing Adjustments
(1,027KB, Rev. B, 12 pages; 05/10/2004)
This document includes configuring and testing to set the frame accuracy of VTR recording (Edit IN and Edit OUT timings), video switcher timing and Profile XP video server Frames Offset and record delays. Use this document for initial set-up of video switcher, VTRs, and Profile XP video server channels.

Sony DVS-9000
(63KB, 4 pages; 01/14/2004)
This document describes the interface between Fastrack and the Sony DVS-9000 & MVS-8000 Digital switchers. The following are discussed: Connection and setup, Assign Dialog and Crosspoint Selection, Aux Bus Previewing, Video Effects, Wipe Patterns, DME Commands and Learn / Recall Memory.

Accom A6000 Video Server Configuration
(208KB, 4 pages; 08/22/2003)
This document covers the connections, set-up and control of the Accom A6000 Video Server with Fastrack.

Omneon Video Server Native Control
(35KB, 1 page; 08/22/2003)
This document covers the set-up of the Omneon Video Server in native protocol with Fastrack.

For-A MightyMix Digital Switcher
(36KB, 2 pages; 08/22/2003)
This document covers the connections, set-up and control of the For-A Mighty Mix digital video switcher with Fastrack.

Ross CDK-111 Single Card Video Switcher
(203KB, 2 pages; 08/22/2003)
This document covers the connections, cable, set-up and control of the Ross CDK-111 video switcher with Fastrack. This card plugs into the Ross DFR-8110A-C frame.

Chryon Infinit! Character Generator
(92KB, 3 pages; 08/22/2003)
This document covers the connections, set-up and control of the Chyron Infinit! character generator with Fastrack.

Pinnacle Deko Character Generator
(561KB, 5 pages; 04/30/2003)
This document covers the connections, set-up and control of the Pinnacle Deko with Fastrack.

Thomson Grass Valley Profile PDR-200
Pin-Outs for LTC connector

(12KB, 1 page; 01/30/2002)
This document shows the pin-outs for the DB-25 Reference Genlock cable that consists of 4 LTC inputs & 4 LTC outputs.

Recording LTC timecode on VDR Panel
(891KB, 11 pages; 01/31/2002)
This document covers the cable pin-outs, VDR Panel configurations, LTC inputs, re-striping of existing clips and playback of LTC timecoded clips on the Fastrack VS hybrid editing system.

Evertz High Definition HD9625DSK
downstream keyer

(73KB, 3 pages; 02/13/2003)
This document covers set-up, operation and connections, including pin-outs for the DB15 male GPI connector on the Everetz and the DB15 male Fastrack GPI connector.

Seachange Server
(206KB, 4 pages; 03/22/2006)
This document describes the connection and setup required for Fastrack to control the SeaChange Video Server with Louth VDCP protocol.

Thomson Grass Valley PDR internal VME video switcher board with Fastrack VS
1,368KB, 9 pages; 02/11/02)
The VME (video mix/effects) board can be added to a Profile PDR and be utilized by Editware's Super Edit NLE and Fastrack VS hybrid editing systems as video switcher. This document covers the Fastrack VS connections, configurations and use.

Thomson Grass Valley PDR internal
audio mixing with Fastrack VS

90KB, 2 pages; 09/09/02)
The Profile PDR can be utilized by Editware's Fastrack VS hybrid editing system as an audio mixer. This document covers the Fastrack VS connections and configurations.

Graham-Patten D/ESAM 230 Audio Mixer
with Fastrack VS

66KB, 3 pages; 08/16/02)
This document covers the configuration settings for the D/ESAM 230 audio mixer and the suggested settings for the Fastrack VS hybrid editing system.

Yamaha DM1000 Audio Mixer with Fastrack
178KB, 3 pages; (04/13/04))
This document covers the configuration settings for the Yamaha DM1000 audio mixer and the suggested settings for the Fastrack hybrid editing system. Includes cable configuration/pin-out.

Yamaha 03D Audio Mixer with Fastrack VS
383KB, 7 pages; (03/01/02))
This document covers the configuration settings for the Yamaha 03D audio mixer and the suggested settings for the Fastrack VS hybrid editing system. Includes cable configuration/pin-out.

Yamaha 02R Audio Mixer with Fastrack VS
644KB, 5 pages; 02/12/03)
This document covers the configuration settings for the Yamaha 02R audio mixer and the suggested settings for the Fastrack VS hybrid editing system. Includes cable configuration/pin-out.

Fastrack and constant GPI firing
120KB, 1 page; 03/04/03)
This document covers the disabling of the Parallel port check in the dongle software. It is necessary to disable the parallel port check or else GPIs will be fired every four or five seconds.


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